Transcription Services
* Interviews
* Focus Groups
* Grievance Hearings
* Disciplinary Hearings
* CCMA proceedings
* Arbitration Proceedings
* Insolvency Inquiries
* Telephone calls
* Meetings
We transcribe all digital file formats.
Our services are not limited to the above. Please contact us with your transcription requirements.
* Focus Groups
* Grievance Hearings
* Disciplinary Hearings
* CCMA proceedings
* Arbitration Proceedings
* Insolvency Inquiries
* Telephone calls
* Meetings
We transcribe all digital file formats.
Our services are not limited to the above. Please contact us with your transcription requirements.
Our Turnaround Times (TAT)
* Standard TAT - 3 to 4 working days per hour of audio recording
* Urgent TAT - 2 days per hour of audio recording
* Rush TAT - 1 day per hour of audio recording
* Urgent TAT - 2 days per hour of audio recording
* Rush TAT - 1 day per hour of audio recording